Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My love affair with the flourish began here.  I didn't know to credit the designer of the kit(s) used, so for the next while there will be no credits.  Also, I used a little of this and a little of that to create what I thought was my current most beautiful work.  I look back now, and cringe at some of my beauties.

This one I did for a hairdresser friend.  She asked I bring back news of the latest hair styles.  I could only get photos of the windows of a couple of hair salons...bad photos as that.  But she was thrilled!


  1. Hi Debbie,

    I just discovered your blog! No need to cringe at some of your past beauties. This is really cool.

    Hope all is well in your world. I don't see you around FB much any more. Just thought I'd drop by and say "hello".

    Happy Easter weekend Debbie. :))

    1. Hi, Arlene!

      My latest installment of PSE classes is a true labor of love, with emphasis on the word labor! It's a HUGE learning curve and time commitment. I'm also working an additional day each week, which interferes with me-time.

      Some of the FB pages became one long advertisement, which became one long time-suck for time I no longer had. I had to make some tough choices. I miss my peeps! Hoping things will settle down in another month or so.

      Happy Easter to you and yours!
